Designed with NaPoWriMo in mind, this limited-edition handmade notepad will give you a prompt a day along with space to write your first draft to keep you writing all through April.
Each page has a prompt devised by me at the top and patterns round the edge of the writing space for you to doodle in and colour while you're thinking.
Each page can be torn off and is blank on the reverse, so if you write a particularly good poem, you can fold it up like a Regency letter and send it to someone you want to impress.
The pad is printed on unbleached, recycled paper and perfect bound along the top edge.
Your pad will also includes a fold-and-post sheet at the end for you to send me your favourite NaPoWriMo effort to be considered for inclusion in a short Creative Engines anthology later in the year (dependent on sufficient submissions).
Pre-order now for delivery by the third week in March.
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Notebooks will ship by the third week of March.
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